Educating a Child’s Heart through Goal#16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin R.A use to say that children are our future’s army, especially now being in a Maula’s Idara it’s oie responsibility to train the children according to Aqa Maula’s vision. We Pre Primary teachers welcome students at a very crucial age, at their learning stage, when they easily adapt thing that fascinates them and teachers are their inspiration. Children always try to mimic their teachers and to grow up like them. A teacher should lead an exemplary life of behaving with respect and love.
Peace and justice can be inculcated in a child, only at a very young age. How? By showing them how to respect their elders, love their youngers, practice sharing is caring, use of courtesy words as magic words, behaving in a public place, dinner table etc. Teachers can use the saying of Maulana Ali A.S “aahsin ila man asa’a I’laik” you should do good to even those who misbehaves with you.

All these ethos when taught at this mild age becomes a part of their personality which leads them to better human beings in the future because every thought matters when it comes to making peace “We are the change we seek.”

The Lesson Plan
• When to use a courtesy word, what we mean when we say it and its importance (its magic).
• Teaching children easily to forgive and how to return it with a good deed.
• Children learn to give their things, become kind.

• Bring a toy from home and gift it to your friend.
• Friday presentation, a role play that includes:
The use of sorry, thank you and please.
This shows a friend’s feeling when other friend hurts them or misbehaves with them.
How can you make peace with your friend.
What Maulana Ali A.S teaches us.
• Both the teachers in the class will act a role play, will act as two classmates fighting, then will think of the saying of Maulana Ali A.S and will say sorry, hug each other, will share gifts with a thank you note and feeling guilty of what they had done before, will show the children how good they feel after making peace with their friends and will elaborate the play a little bit.
• The next day teacher will start with the poem “sorry excuse me”.
• Next day the Teacher will call for gifts from home, children will exchange gifts with their friends.
• Now one by one every day the teacher will bread the Idara stories of thank you, please and sorry.

Best Practice:
• Whenever in our classroom its freeplay time or DEAR time, children try and snatch the toys and books they like from their friends, it’s then when I tell them to ask for the toy politely with ‘please’ from your friend and he or she will surely give it to you, they give it when its asked with please that is where I show them how the magic word ‘please’ works!

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Expressions of the pen!

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