SDGs: Goal#2 and Goal#13

We all know that the earth is our mother land and we all are need to live here peacefully but as the time passes all our natural resources are getting scarce and we are facing many challenges as a human. To save the humanity and mankind we as Pakistani and being a teacher it is our responsibilities to create an awareness among our young children about this dilemma and bring a positive change. These sustainable development goals are tough challenges and we need to work together as a nation. The SDGs are universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

1) One of the challenges is “Zero- hunger”.
A skit of 10 minutes then discussion for 15 minutes. Approximately 30 minutes lesson.
• Seven children will participate, six friends and a waiter. Six friends will visit to a restaurant for dinner. They are so hungry that they will order more than they could eat. After they are done, they will ask the waiter to take the left over and throw them. One of the friend will stop them and give them an idea to give these left over food to the needy person. Finally they all will agree.
The teacher then will ask the students have you ever experienced this situation?. What did you do? Discussion will be carried out in the classroom. It is necessary to instill in tender minds that we should not waste food.
• The second activity is to create awareness and bring a change.
On every Friday, students can bring extra food. We collect them and the school administration can distribute them among the deserving people. This will develop and inculcate the sense of empathy.

2) Life on Land/ Climate changes
Climate change is a change in weather pattern. It is not only affecting the land but also have an adverse effect on humans. Almost all the causes of climate changes are due to human activities. Humans are cutting down trees, burning fossil fuel at an alarming rate and many more of it. Due to these anthropogenic activities, the ozone is also depleting.
• Duration of this activity is 1 hour.
A day in advance, ask them to bring a plant pot. Before planting will discuss in groups the benefits of trees and will list down on a chart and display in the environment.
• “Go green and get clean” badges and pamphlet will be displayed in the environment.
• Then will plant a plant in the school environment.
According to the vision of our beloved Moula Dr. Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin [TUS] We Dawoodi Bohra community are already practicing fostership, Qarzan Hasanah, upliftment programme,Faize Mawaid Burhaniyah, and plantation for the betterment of mankind.

The little effort of everyone may change into big one; save earth:

“Save Earth –Save Life”

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Expressions of the pen!

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