Appreciating the ‘Pause’ in Quarantine.


‘If you don’t wake up now, we’ll be late for school!’

This sound no longer echoes the walls of the house every morning.

‘Hold on to your seats, we’ve got 2 mins to get to school!’

My race car driver skills have been put to rest.

‘Bhen, I haven’t completed my work because I forgot to take my book with me.’

I’m no longer torn between saying, ’Sorry, I will not accept late submission.’ and ‘Do you think that is a valid excuse? I expect more responsibility from you all. Please give it to me tomorrow, no later than that!’

I’m sure you get the point…

Even though I truly miss going to school and being in the classroom with my kids, there was no pause to the daily grind, no time to enjoy relationships in the frenzy of nonstop activities.

Although the circumstances under which we’ve been granted this pause is not ideal, it was no doubt much needed!

Pause & appreciate!

Pause to process, to reflect, to reset.

I have been able to connect with my students on a more personal level with conversations on a lighter note. Pause to strengthen my bond with them – one which I intend to keep throughout their lives in the future.

I can have random conversations with my kids at home where we laugh and joke about things. I’ve been given pause enjoy and appreciate their childhood, all things that were mostly lost in the daily grind.

Being completely candid, I can now even enjoy every bite of my breakfast! Then, wake up the kids and take my time to serve them theirs. Life’s simple pleasures.

Most importantly it’s time to rejuvenate!

To restore our energy, clear our minds, give fresh starts and heal any wounds.

I hope it is in the near future that we can be amidst the hustle and bustle of our students on school campus; listening to the sound of the bell between periods; once again feeling that human connection of being face to face in each other’s presence.

But did we really get the time to appreciate our relationships?

Let’s come out of this stronger, for a better round two – refreshed and renewed- mind & body, heart & soul!😊

-Rashida Kakal

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Expressions of the pen!

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