Farida’s mobilized classrooms

Collaborative efforts, bringing awareness to our young children helps them to develop an appreciation for the natural world. It starts with the exploration of what the goals are, why we have them and why they are important for others to know about them.

Earth is our motherland which requires a lot of care for the people living in it. Students should be aware of the problems we all are facing and should be provided with remedies and solutions.

Zero hunger:
Together, we can feed everyone!

Activity will be carried out throughout the year.

• Each child out of five is sleeping hungry. Students will be encouraged to make posters and slogans to create awareness of hunger to the modern society. They will collect eatables and food from their own area and distribute the food to poor and needy people. By practicing this activity on daily basis we can achieve our target of zero hunger even more quickly before 2030.

Good health and wellbeing:
Without health, life is almost dead! A healthy body holds a healthy soul & mind. Approximately one out of every five children is unhealthy.

• Activity will be carried out throughout the year.

• Physical exercise and motivating students on bringing healthy food will help the students to keep their body strong and healthy. It also improves mental health. Practicing regular exercise at school or at home leads to improve their motor skills, better thinking and they can be stronger. As the famous proverb goes: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Key note: UNICEF and international global forum has now recognized these goals and they are creating awareness among people to overcome them by 2030, but we Dawoodi Bohra community is already practicing these goals from quite a number of years.

Faize Mawaid , foster ship, tree plantation, cleaning drive etc are our projects which we are working on it.

SDG’s activity by Sir Tauheed

By: Sir Tauheed, Teacher Secondary School

The Global Goals were agreed by the United Nations in September 2015. They aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.

Activity 1
Students will be first given handouts which mention all the 17 goals which Pakistan is and will be facing in the coming years. The topic word of each goal will be missing from the handouts given to them and they will have to identify which challenge can exactly define that goal. A ‘word search’ activity will be later given after discussion to the students where they will search those ‘topic words’ in the word search and will later match them with the goals mentioned in the handouts. They will have one hour for this activity.

Activity 2:
The next activity focuses on the implementation of these goals. Students will choose and write briefly on any five goals which they think they can implement as responsible citizens. The write-up will reflect their activities as individuals or as teamwork. They will have half an hour for this write-up.

Initiating Global Agenda: UNDP’S SDGs


Sustainable Development Goals

1) Keeping in mind the main ustainable Development Goals that aim to “end poverty and hunger”, we can provoke awareness by asking children to design posters, make slogans and suggest solutions among people around them. They can also plan a “zero hunger” walk around the school premises.
References to enhance the importance of these issues like “Faiz-ul-Mawaid-il-Burhaniyah” and “Foster ship” drives conducted by the community, can be given under the guidance of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) and their tremendous outcomes can be discussed.
Another marvelous scheme like “Qardan Hassanah” can also be shared among people that has uplifted and improved the standard of living of number of Momineen.

2) Furthermore, what we can do is to plan a “Beach cleaning activity for students in order to create awareness regarding “Life below water”. This will keep the beaches clean as we have spread enough garbage in and above the surface of water that has not only polluted it to a dangerous level, but has resulted in deaths of various species of marine life.
(Students can also search about a real life example of a sea creature recently found dead on the sea shores of Pakistan.)

3) Another interesting activity that can be arranged for the students which will create awareness on “Life on land” is a tree plantation drive. Through this drive we will make sure that each and every child plants one tree around his/her vicinity and takes care of it. We can also educate people about the benefits of clean and green environment and its importance. To make it more creative and full of fun, play cards with Ayat, Ahadees and sayings of His Holiness could be displayed around their surroundings.

VR at MSB-Mombasa

MSB Mombasa takes the lead in implementing Virtual Reality in classrooms. The Finnish Application of Seppo is helping students learn through gamification! ‘Gamification’ is the actual interest for the digital natives of today. Incorporating games in concepts is something which really generates outstanding results. Students do not only learn but are engrossed immensely.